Gabriele Meyer-Hanke

Responsible for sales management, mrs. Meyer-Hanke says that it communication is the most important thing in our business.

Whatever a customer or partner wants, it is important to be open for any questions and suggestions.

This basic principle is what mrs. Meyer-Hanke does in her daily work. In countless conversations with our customers she has seen how important it is to treat other people, as you would want them to treat you. And thats what she’ll keeps an eye on Acala’s work with our customers: To care of the needs of our customers and partners. To keep it in her words: “At Acala customer service is not only a word, our customers and partners Should feel well, Understood and welcome, just like a good friend coming over for a glass of wine.“

We do receive lot’s of good feedback of our customers and partners, which confirms how well our customer service implemented in our daily work.


From this aspect, mrs. Meyer-Hanke started to open our retail store “Treffpunkt für Wasser und Leben“. Now all of our customers and partners have a place to come, ask questions, try, taste or directly buy in our store.


For our dealers and people doing bulk orders, she is the first person to contact to help them. Of corse here as well, mrs. Meyer-Hanke sets the goal of good, honest and stable work with our partners.

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